Sleep is an important aspect in the life of each person. On average, we spend a third of our life asleep. The quality of our rest defines our mood for the day, as well as the efficiency and tempo of it.
The way we sleep greatly influences our physical and mental health, and still, despite the importance of it, we often neglect it. Uncomfortable positioning during sleep could be the reason of back and neck pain, headaches, back pain, belly aches and even premature aging. Sleeping with bent spine could negatively influence your breathing, your joints, and will also prevent back muscles from fully resting. The best position for sleeping is the one that preserves the natural curvature of the spine.
Sleeping on your back supports your back and neck, keeps internal organs properly positioned, minimizes the effects of acidic reflux and prevents the emergence of wrinkles.
However, in case of certain severe diseases and syndromes, sleeping on your back could be contraindicated, so make sure to consult with your physician before making any radical changes to your regular regimen.
How to sleep on the back properly?
Scientific and medical research has shown the necessity of neck, lower back and knee support when one is sleeping on the back, since equal distribution of weight along the spine reduces the risk of of neck and back pain. You can use supporting pillows: put one under your neck to sustain the natural curvature of the cervical flexure of the spine, and put two more under your coccyx and under your knees, to reduce the strain of the lumbar flexure of the lower back. This should help if your lower back hurts.